Our Mission

Our mission at Jasmine can be summarized in one simple sentence: to enable women in Israel to participate to the fullest extent possible in the Israeli economy by expanding economic, professional and personal opportunities for all Israeli women. The women we assist come from all population sectors and ethnic, financial and religious backgrounds and live all across Israel.
In doing so, Jasmine elevates the status of Israeli women, advances Israel’s economy and strengths Israeli society as a whole. When women will prosper, whole communities will prosper as well, which will decrease the tension between different parts of society and will directly affect Israel’s security.

How We Translate Our Mission into Action

At Jasmine we have identified the significant challenges Israeli women face to economic security and employment opportunities. We found that women from different population sectors often share the same difficulties in business ownership and finding gainful employment. These challenges include cultural resistance; lack of training; lack of access to networks; lack of access to funding; fear of gender, ethnic and/or religious discrimination; geographical barriers; an absence of supportive infrastructure, such as public transportation; the need to fulfill traditional social roles; no support; low-confidence and lack of self-esteem; and more.
Thus, we shape our programs around these unique and shared needs and challenges, and utilize our programming and network as a place for economic cooperation and partnerships amongst Arab, secular Jewish, Bedouin, Haredi and other groups of Israeli women- modeling co-existence.
Our diverse programs are designed to empower and enable women from different population sectors to find gainful employment; to found new initiatives, succeed and grow as SME owners in their communities and nationally; and to develop, promote and support cross-sector economic partnerships among Israeli women.


To read more about our different programs, please click here.