Jasmine is an Israeli not-for-profit organization, run by women – for women with the goal of promoting women’s economic development across Israel.
Jasmine today is Israel’s leading organization in promoting the economic development of all Israeli women, regardless of creed, class, socio-economic status, race, or ethnicity. Jasmine fosters the growth and professional development of Israel’s women business owners and leaders; helps women begin their own initiatives; and helps impoverished women enter the Israeli workforce.
Jasmine believes that providing women with the opportunity to become financially independent will positively impact the society in Israel as a whole: many households will improve their financial status, and communities will prosper, which will decrease the tension between different parts of society and will directly affect Israel’s security; the cross-community business partnerships that Jasmine encourages, will allow the different societies in Israel to learn to co-exist. Furthermore, we believe that women have the power to positively impact our future generations and so by providing them with financial independence, we provide them with the power, confidence and knowledge necessary to make a better life for our children as well.
Jasmine’s President is Ms. Ofra Strauss, Chairwoman of the Strauss Group.
Unlike other local economic development organizations, Jasmine is unique because its wide spectrum of programs range from empowering marginalized populations to advancing businesswomen and women leaders.
What we do
Jasmine operates multiple different programs, all across Israel, from the far north to the south, all intended on promoting the economic development of Israeli women, from all backgrounds. Jasmine plans and builds its programs after identifying the actual needs of the women it supports, and is flexible in terms of program content, making any necessary changes to fit the relevant beneficiaries.
In a nutshell, our projects provide:
- Greater access to financing, including micro-loans, which are necessary for women who wish to establish their own businesses.
- Tools, training and focused information for unemployed women, women business-owners and women entrepreneurs.
- Marketing, networking and cross-sector partnership opportunities.
- Personal and economic empowerment, through life skills, management skills and financial tools.
- Mentorship, support and business consulting in a group setting and one-on-one.
- Job training and opportunities for socio-economically marginalized women.
- A free, bilingual portal where women can host their businesses’ online tools such as a website and online store, and training on how to use the web and social media to grow a business.
- Regional businesswomen’s forums and an annual businesswomen’s conference.
To read more about our specific programs, please click here.
To read more about: Jasmine’s Successes