WeSource – Diversifying the supply chain venture presents a pioneering solution to the establishment of diverse purchasing in Israel. WeSource encourages corporations to integrate small and medium business that meet both social and business criteria of a diverse business, as their suppliers. The guiding principles of the venture are the creation of opportunities and the removal of barriers among corporations by providing information and access to a database of certified diverse businesses, as well as encouraging a change of procurement practices. This venture seeks to create and promote business opportunities for the diverse businesses, that due their size and distance from the economic centers were not properly exposed and therefore unknown to most of the corporations. The venture addresses their challenges, by training and granting them with a standard diverse business certification, allowing them to gain a competitive advantage, greater exposure to supplier opportunities, leading to measurable increases in sales, expansion of viable social enterprises, while small and medium size manufacturers grow to employ more workers.
By the empowerment of diverse businesses, WeSource if focused on closing the gap on gender disparities, encouraging women, minorities and underrepresented communities’ participation in the labor force, empowerment of Arab and Jewish small business owners, promoting equality and coexistence between all sectors in the Israeli society.
WeSource leading partners: Bank Leumi, Strauss Group, Zionut 2000 organization. Other partners include the largest corporation in Israel from various industry segments.