Jasmine sees the importance in leading partnerships and collaborations with local and international organizations, companies and corporations for the promotion of women in Israel, in the most beneficent, professional and effective way for women and for the Israeli society, in order to promote and encourage women's entrepreneurship, developing businesses owned by women and the promotion of women's economic leadership in Israel. Jasmine's activities for women, the Israeli economy and society, exists thanks to the true partnership and close collaboration with more than 30 companies and organizations in Israel and abroad, who believe deeply in Jasmine and its work.
Jasmine will be honored to have more partners in order to achieve its important goals and support Jasmine’s efforts to provide Jewish and Arab women in Israel with economic, professional and personal opportunities to realize their potential for economic development, to foster co-existence in the Israeli society and therefore for better opportunities in life.
Jasmine’s Partners
The Women’s Amutot Initiative of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation;
The Hadassah Foundation;
The Konrad Adenauer Foundation;
Jewish Federation of Southern NJ
The Levi Lassen Foundation:
The New Israeli Fund;
The Pratt Foundation;
The England Family Foundation;
The Joseph & Krystyna Kasierer Foundation;
The Jewish Women’s Foundation of the Greater Palm Beaches;
The Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York;
The Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Phoenix;
The Gimprich Family Foundation;
The Yaffa London Yaari Foundation;
The Embassy of The Untied State in Israel;
WEConnect International;
Strauss Group;
Isracard Group;
Bank Hapoalim;
Bank Leumi;
Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot;
Wissotzky Group;
Intel Israel;
The Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality- KNESSET;
The Authority for the Advancement of the Status of Women- Prime Minister’s Office;
The Ministry of Economy;
Zionut 2000;
The Local Municipality of Nazareth-Illit;
The Local Municipality of Acre;
The Local Municipality of Haifa;
The Local Municipality of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo;
The Local Municipality of Jerusalem;
The Local Municipality of Netanya;
Osem Group;
Estee - Lauder;
Menora Mivtachim LTD;
The Local Municipality of Hadera and more;
Kahan Foundation;
The Gensesis Prize;