The leading company, Strauss, continues to support Jasmine’s vision, together with “Zionut 2000” towards the upcoming International Women’s Day
Kiram Baloum, CEO and founder of Jasmine: “I’m grateful for Strauss’ management for their courageous partnership with Jasmine to promote women economic leadership”.
Strauss chose Jasmine: the leading company in the Israeli market continues to support and promote Jasmine’s vision, an NPO working to create female economic leadership in Israel, by supporting independent business women, Arab and Jewish, to become and essential part of the economy
“Strauss is one of tens of companies, organizations and people leaders of the Israeli economy, who choose to support Jasmine and its vision. Lately, Strauss hosted one of Jasmine’s program (ZINUK- the one and only program in Israel which promotes business women) most significant sessions. During the session, ZINUK’s participants met with leading figures in the Israeli market.
This support proves that “Strauss” is a true partner of Jasmine, sharing its vision of social- economic change, creating female leadership and integrating women into key positions in public and private companies.
This time, “Strauss” decided to contribute to Jasmine’s work due to the upcoming International’s day and give a substantial amount of its income to Jasmine, through “online’ purchases of Strauss espresso capsules. Strauss explains their decision: “Jasmine promotes social- economic change for businesses owned by Jewish and Arab women of all sectors, religions and socio- economic strata, to allow women to participate fully in Israel’s economy, promote women’s status in Israel, to reach a shared society in Israel”. Strauss also say that this cooperation aims to promote partnership with women associations growing coffee in underdeveloped countries, such as Colombia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Vietnam, Burma, Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia and more.
Kiram Baloum, CEO and founder of Jasmine, says: “I’m grateful for Strauss’ management for their courageous partnership with Jasmine along the way, believing its vision and trusting its activities, while Jasmine is succeeding in promoting and integrating thousands of business women from all sectors and social status into the top of the Israeli economy pyramid. Jasmine’s power is derived from promoting, accompanying and pushing women to the top and its ability to partner with the leading companies in the market. We believe in women’s power to lead a different leadership, a strong economic leadership which strives to implement social change, strengthening the economic resilience of business women and create a strong female leadership”.
How to join and support this activity
For every purchase of 100% Columbian Capsules through Elite Coffee’s website, on 3- 17th March 2019, Strauss will contribute an additional 10 NIS to organizations promoting women empowerment, doubling the contribution and adding 10 NIS. The contribution will be granted to two organizations, one of them is Jasmine, partnering with “Zionut 2000” due to the similar principles they promote and their shared goals, together with “More than a Cup” Strauss project.
The collaboration with 100% Columbian Capsules (strength: 8) came from the idea that these capsules are manufactured from coffee grown in farms participating in “More than a Cup” project. This donation can be done through Elite Coffee only